Minnie Marie Hoag

Minnie Marie Hoag was born on January 9, 1925, in Monessen, PA. She died on February 10, 2000, which she was 75 years old.

Her mother is Emma Marie Assel, and her father is Robert Thomas Hoag.

Here we have Minnie in the 1930 US census when she was just about five years old. She is living with her parents, her baby sister Elsie Jane Hoag and someone named James. This is not her youngest brother Robert Thomas Hoag Junior, since he wasn’t born yet.

James is probably her uncle James William Hoag (1894-1940) – brother of Robert Thomas Hoag (Minnie’s father).

Minnie Marie Hoag married Samuel Caruso, and they had at least two children, Samuel Caruso Junior and Paula Marie Caruso.

She died on February 10, 2000, in Bridgeton, New Jersey.


Robert Thomas Hoag

Robert Thomas Hoag was born on March 3, 1900, in Fayette City, PA. We can verify this is his date of birth thanks to his World War 1 Draft Registration Card.

Robert Thomas Hoag married Emma Marie Assel on May 20, 1924, in Monessen, PA.

Together they had four children, only three of which who lived, Minni Marie Hoag, Elsie Jane Hoag, and Robert Thomas Hoag Junior.

Here is a death certificate issue for a stillborn child, born on October 23, 1931. This means the child would have been younger than Elsie and older than Robert Thomas.

He died on November 13, 1961. we know this because we have a copy of his death certificate.

This document also confirms for us that his father’s name is Walter Hoag. When Robert Thomas Hoag died he was living at 1614 Maple Avenue, in Monessen, PA. It’s a small 2 bedroom house that is still around to this day. (Directions)

His death certificate also tells us that he died of pancreatic cancer, something of which he was diagnosed with just two months prior to his death.



Robert Thomas Hoag Junior

Robert Thomas Hoag Junior was born on October 5, 1933, in Monessen, Pennsylvania. Please note: There are variations in his DOB. Some sources say October 5, 1933, while other official government documents state May 10, 1933. I will continue my research on this and let you know when I know 100% for sure what his birthday is.

His military records say October 5, 1933, but there is a social security claim that says he was born on May 10, 1933. However, the social security death records also say October 5, 1933. His gravestone says his date of birth is May 10, 1933.

He was the youngest child and the only son of Robert Thomas Hoag and Emma Marie Assel. Here he is listed in the 1940 US Census.

He died on September 4, 1988.

Robert T Hoag Jr. Obituary

According to Society Security death records, his social security number was 189-26-8975.

He served in their Air Force. His enlistment date was January 21, 1952, and he was released on January 20, 1956. This means he was on active duty during the Korean War.

He married Mary Cristan. Through family members, I am told she had a child but not from Robert Thomas Hoag Junior. Together they didn’t seem to have any children of their own.

Elsie Jane Hoag

My grandmother Elsie Jane Hoag was born on June 22, 1927, in Monessen, Pennsylvania. She died on April 26, 2018, at the age of 90 in Houston, Texas where she had been living with her eldest daughter since 2016.

  • Father: Robert Thomas Hoag (1900-1961)
  • Mother: Emma Marie Assel (1905-1988)

Elsie Jane Hoag married Raymond Wegley on June 5, 1948, in Pennsylvania.  They remained married until his death on December 4, 1992. She would never again marry. She remained his devoted widow until her death some 26 years later.

Together they had 4 children and 12 grandchildren.

  • Thomas Eugene (June 13, 1949)
  • Karen Marie (January 26, 1951)
  • Raymond Junior (December 11, 1952)
  • Robert Thomas (September 27, 1954)

Wegley Family History