Minnie Marie Hoag

Minnie Marie Hoag was born on January 9, 1925, in Monessen, PA. She died on February 10, 2000, which she was 75 years old.

Her mother is Emma Marie Assel, and her father is Robert Thomas Hoag.

Here we have Minnie in the 1930 US census when she was just about five years old. She is living with her parents, her baby sister Elsie Jane Hoag and someone named James. This is not her youngest brother Robert Thomas Hoag Junior, since he wasn’t born yet.

James is probably her uncle James William Hoag (1894-1940) – brother of Robert Thomas Hoag (Minnie’s father).

Minnie Marie Hoag married Samuel Caruso, and they had at least two children, Samuel Caruso Junior and Paula Marie Caruso.

She died on February 10, 2000, in Bridgeton, New Jersey.


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