Robert Thomas Hoag was born on March 3, 1900, in Fayette City, PA. We can verify this is his date of birth thanks to his World War 1 Draft Registration Card.
Robert Thomas Hoag married Emma Marie Assel on May 20, 1924, in Monessen, PA.
Together they had four children, only three of which who lived, Minni Marie Hoag, Elsie Jane Hoag, and Robert Thomas Hoag Junior.
Here is a death certificate issue for a stillborn child, born on October 23, 1931. This means the child would have been younger than Elsie and older than Robert Thomas.
He died on November 13, 1961. we know this because we have a copy of his death certificate.
This document also confirms for us that his father’s name is Walter Hoag. When Robert Thomas Hoag died he was living at 1614 Maple Avenue, in Monessen, PA. It’s a small 2 bedroom house that is still around to this day. (Directions)
His death certificate also tells us that he died of pancreatic cancer, something of which he was diagnosed with just two months prior to his death.
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