Joseph Richardson was born on July 27, 1643, in Woburn, Massachusetts, a settlement in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He was the second son of Samuel Richardson, one of three Richardson brothers who emigrated from England in 1630 as part of the Puritan migration. Joseph grew up in Woburn, which was then a frontier town and spent his entire life contributing to its growth and governance.
We can verify this date of birth in the Woburn Mass records of births, deaths, and marriage records. It shows us that he was born on July 27, 1643, and is the son of Samuel.

Joseph was raised in a devout Puritan household. His father, Samuel Richardson, was among the founders of Woburn, which was incorporated in 1642. The Richardsons were prominent members of the community, known for their active involvement in both civic and church life.
Joseph’s birth is documented in the Woburn records of births, deaths, and marriages, confirming his birthdate as July 27, 1643, and listing him as the son of Samuel Richardson. These records demonstrate the meticulous record-keeping of the early Puritan settlers, who viewed such documentation as an important aspect of community organization.
On November 5, 1666, Joseph married Hannah Green, daughter of Thomas Green and Elizabeth Green of Malden, Massachusetts (modern-day Melrose). Hannah was born around 1647 and came from another prominent colonial family. Her father, Thomas Green, had emigrated from England before 1640 and was a selectman in Malden in 1658.
Joseph and Hannah Richardson had five children, all born in Woburn:
- Hannah Richardson (b. October 22, 1667): Married Daniel Baldwin.
- Mary Richardson (b. March 22, 1669): Married, first, James Fowle; second, Samuel Walker.
- Elizabeth Richardson (b. June 28, 1670): Married, first, John Coggin; second, Jacob Wyman.
- Joseph Richardson (b. May 19, 1672): Married Mary Blodget.
- Stephen Richardson (b. February 7, 1674): Married Bridget Richardson, continuing the family line.
The Richardson family’s legacy extended through these children, who married into other notable families in the region, strengthening the family’s social and economic position.
Joseph Richardson was an active and respected member of the Woburn community. He was admitted as a freeman of the colony on May 15, 1672, signifying his full membership in the church and his eligibility to participate in colonial governance.
Joseph also served as a selectman of Woburn in 1693, 1694, and 1702, a role that involved overseeing the town’s administration, land allocation, and local disputes. This reflects his standing in the community and his commitment to public service.
In addition to his civic contributions, Joseph demonstrated his courage and dedication during King Philip’s War (1675–1678), one of the most devastating conflicts between English settlers and Native American tribes. He served as one of Major Samuel Appleton’s soldiers and fought in the Battle of the Great Swamp, an assault on the Narragansetts’ fort on December 19, 1675. This battle was a turning point in the war but came at a great cost, with significant losses on both sides. Joseph’s participation in this conflict highlights his role in defending the colony during one of its most perilous periods.
Later Life and Legacy
Joseph Richardson passed away on March 5, 1718, in Woburn. His will, dated June 24, 1717, was proved on April 22, 1718 and recorded in the Middlesex Probate Records (Volume XV, Page 143). The will provides insight into his character and priorities, showing that he carefully and generously provided for his wife, Hannah, and their children.
One notable provision in the will states that his son Joseph must “find her [Hannah] a horse, and keep the same for her use, and a man or himself to ride before her on Sabbath days, or where she shall have occasions to go, all during her natural life, if she remains my widow.” This stipulation underscores Joseph’s attentiveness to his wife’s well-being and the Puritan emphasis on familial duty.
Hannah Richardson outlived Joseph by three years, passing away on May 20, 1721.
Historical Context
Joseph Richardson lived during a pivotal period in New England’s history. Born shortly after the Massachusetts Bay Colony’s founding, he witnessed its transformation from a fledgling settlement to an established and prosperous region. Key historical events during his lifetime include:
- The Great Migration: The wave of Puritan emigration to New England in the mid-17th century shaped the culture and governance of towns like Woburn.
- King Philip’s War: This brutal conflict between colonists and Native Americans was a defining event in Joseph’s adult life and underscored the fragility of colonial existence.
- The Dominion of New England (1686–1689): Joseph lived through the imposition of centralized control over the New England colonies by King James II, followed by the Glorious Revolution and the colony’s return to self-governance.
Joseph’s descendants carried on the Richardson family’s legacy in Woburn and beyond. His children married into other prominent colonial families, and their offspring continued to contribute to the development of Massachusetts. The Richardson Memorial, published in 1876, provides detailed genealogical records of his lineage, reflecting the enduring interest in and importance of the Richardson family in early New England history.
Joseph Richardson’s life exemplifies the values of Puritan New England: faith, hard work, community service, and dedication to family. From his early years in Woburn to his service as a soldier and selectman, Joseph played a vital role in the growth of his town and the colony. His careful planning for his family’s future, as seen in his will, highlights his commitment to ensuring their well-being even after his death. Today, his legacy endures through his numerous descendants and the rich records that preserve his story.
I found this document created by another person doing research. Please keep in mind just because someone says something doesn’t make it true. However, I did want to include it for your reference. Just don’t consider it 100% factually true unless you personally verify the information.
Next, we have a record of those buried in Woburn. Notice you’ll see Stephen Richardson died on February 4, 1752.
These official documents are what help us prove specific dates and family connections. When doing your own family research, always make sure that you confirm anything someone else has said, with official documents.
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